REGISTER FOR Can Co-ops Help Us Survive Climate Change? Explore creative ways real people are using the cooperative model to create green jobs, and support community resilience in a time of change What does an economy that VALUES WORKERS, the larger COMMUNITY, and the ENVIRONMENT look like? As the climate changes, community needs are transforming as well. From different growing seasons for farmers and gardeners to more extreme weather events, to altered patterns of migration and tourism, the next quarter century will bring societal and economic changes that will require creative, dynamic, place-based solutions. The co-op model is designed to be nimble and responsive to community needs, empowering those most impacted by upheaval to participate in designing new tools and resources. In this session, led by Drew De Los Santos, Executive Director of the Austin Cooperative Business Association, participants will learn how to use the cooperative principles and business model to invigorate a cooperatve economy that can survive the current climate crisis. The class will include: • Models of Green Economy Co-ops •Discussion of inclusive economic systems • Tools and resources to begin developing a climate-responsive cooperative Class attendees will have the opportunity to schedule FREE coaching and consulting with the instructor and other co-op experts. Este webinar es gratuito y se presentará en inglés con interpretación al español. This webinar is free and will be presented in English with Spanish language interpretation. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request – including translation and interpretation services. For assistance, please contact the Economic Development Department at 512-974-7819 or Relay Texas 7-1-1.
Can Co-ops Help Us Survive Climate Change?
, Austin, TX